Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Testimony

This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to meet Krista Horning while volunteering at a Joni and Friends Family Retreat.  Following the retreat, Krista was asked to speak at The Works of God: God’s Good Design in Disability Desiring God conference, held November 8th in Minneapolis. 

Sitting near the front, I watched as Krista bravely took the stage immediately following John Piper.  She held her audience captive while she spoke. Many wept while she shared honestly about reality of her disability and the work that God is doing in her life through her experience.  

When she was done, I gave her a hug and said, “Krista, I think we can all go home now.  There’s really nothing more that needs to be said.”  Indeed, each speaker for the rest of the afternoon affirmed the perspective Krista gave—it was profound.

I am happy to share Krista’s ten minute testimony, with her permission, on my blog today.  The video of her talk is embedded below.  You can also read a transcript of her message.  Enjoy! 

By John Piper. ©2012 Desiring God Foundation. Website: