Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How do you think God sees you?

This summer I was asked, “How do you think God sees you?”  I didn’t have an answer at the time, but I have taken some time since to ponder and let my imagination run wild.  Enjoy!

Paul ends 2 Corinthians with this sentiment: May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

I imagine the Holy Trinity sitting around an old wooden table, laughing, eating crusty bread, and drinking dry Merlot.  They’re reclining, wearing white robes and sandals just like the pictures in Sunday school class.  They crack a few jokes and maybe even text OMG to the Father.  (Why not?  That would be funny!) Suddenly the conversation changes as the three talks seriously, specifically about you and me.

The fellowship at the table has been rich and deep, but the Trinity decides that they want it to be richer and deeper still.  They want to include us at the table.  Jesus looks to the Father, nods to the Holy Spirit, and says, “I’ll go.” 

Jesus gets up from the table, takes off his heavenly robe and puts on humanity.  He steps out of the door of heaven and onto the face of the earth.  You and I are lost, but Jesus begins to search; walking through darkness, carrying light. 

In no time at all, Jesus finds you.  Maybe you’re in the back corner of a sanctuary.  You can’t draw near to Him because of all that cripples you so Jesus moves towards you instead.  Maybe you’re lost in the crowd, stumbling shoulder to shoulder, trying to push others out of the way.  You’re straining to get ahead.  Jesus is suddenly standing before you at the Stop sign, asking you to slow down, to follow Him.  Maybe you’re sitting alone at the lunch table, feasting on shame, loneliness, and despair.  Jesus sits down next to you, bites into an apple and smiles.
Wherever you are, in a corner, on a crowded street, alone, Jesus finds us and sees us in all of our poverty.  He sees our dependence, our lack, our need, our sin.  He sees all of our darkness.    But instead of turning away, Jesus looks deeper into our souls and sees value, beyond what we could ever hope to be worth and in a remarkable act of kindness, seeing all of us; for all that we are, turns towards us and says, "Hey, want to be friends?"

“I want to walk with you all the days of your life, and when they are over; I want to take you to heaven to meet my friends.  We have a place at the table waiting, just for you.”

Photo Credit

Friends, how do you think God sees you?

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